What’s up! Welcome to my blog. Today I’m going to show you how to configure your Telmex router.
Nowadays there are many things that are very easy to accomplish, but we sometimes don’t know how to do them without an instruction manual. For example, installing a program is a simple thing to do, you mostly just have to hit the “next” button a couple fo times and you’re done. Easy, right?
But it isn’t until they tell us “you have to do these four things” that we realize what we have to do.
In fact, we are faced with sistuations like: How I can configure my router? How I can change the password for my router? Or How can I make my router invisible to other people?
I recommend you follow all of these steps, but if you get lost or have any doubts, please leave me a comment at the end of the blog.
Nowadays there are many things that are very easy to accomplish, but we sometimes don’t know how to do them without an instruction manual. For example, installing a program is a simple thing to do, you mostly just have to hit the “next” button a couple fo times and you’re done. Easy, right?
But it isn’t until they tell us “you have to do these four things” that we realize what we have to do.
In fact, we are faced with sistuations like: How I can configure my router? How I can change the password for my router? Or How can I make my router invisible to other people?
I recommend you follow all of these steps, but if you get lost or have any doubts, please leave me a comment at the end of the blog.
Find The IP Address Of The Router.
The first thing we need to do is know the router’s IP address to begin the configuration. It is an essencial step, and the way I try to explain this to people who don’t know much about technology is this: if you want to buy some donuts you first need to know where Dunkin’ Donuts is located.
One way of finding the IP address (and the fastest one in my opinion) is to access the console’s commands. To do this, hit the Windows button and type “cmd”, then hit “enter”. A black window will appear. Type “ipconfig” on the command prompt, and once you’re done, this will show you the information, but you only need to focus on “default gateway” data.
One way of finding the IP address (and the fastest one in my opinion) is to access the console’s commands. To do this, hit the Windows button and type “cmd”, then hit “enter”. A black window will appear. Type “ipconfig” on the command prompt, and once you’re done, this will show you the information, but you only need to focus on “default gateway” data.
Access Router Interface.
It is importat to be connected to the router by wireless connection or an Ehernet connection, after accessing the interface, just go to the web browser and type the IP address that you’ve obtained previously.
Once you have done this, a login will appear asking for a username and password depending on your provider, the most common are: admin – password or admin – admin. In Telmex’s case, the user is TELMEX and the password is the same key to acces to the Wi-Fi. Then hit “login”.
Once inside the router you have at your disposal all that the interface has to offer. The options may vary by each router’s interface. In my case for example, I will describe step by step the process to change the name (SSID) and password, and enable or disable my network’s visibility.
- Select the option 2.4G on the menu.
- To change the name (SSID), select the box and type any name you wish.
- To change the password, select the box and type your new password.
- To hide the network, un-check the broadcast SSID.
- The last step is to save this configuration. Simply press the button “Save”.
Was this guide on configuring your Telmex router helpful to you? Please leave any comments or questions you may have in the comment section below.
Quite useful and clear information . Thanks Hector, it worked perfectly.
ResponderBorrarI was a big help, it really is a very important information , besides that is very clear and easy to understand. thanks :D
ResponderBorrarQuite useful and clear information . Thanks Hector, it worked perfectly.
ResponderBorrarExcellent support, I now have help to configure my router. Thanks
ResponderBorrarHey! This is a great help guide, it is exactly what I was looking for, thanks. Also I learned how to prevent my neighbors from steal my Wi-Fi signal using android passcode reveal app by simply hide my SSID so it won't broadcast my network name.
ResponderBorrarQuite simple. It would be great if you could post in the future how to work with different brands.
ResponderBorrarQuite simple. It would be great if you could post in the future how to work with different brands.
ResponderBorrarVery helpul :) Thanks!
ResponderBorrarHello, the article is very well explained and easy to understand has served me well. Thank you!!
ResponderBorrarIt was very usefull, really helped me with my router
ResponderBorrarThanks for the help! Nice blog
ResponderBorrarVery useful info! Thanks for sharing!
ResponderBorrarReally helpfull info! I dont really use Telmex but now I can help my uncles with their router
ResponderBorrarHello Hector. Your blog is good! Provide good information, and is very useful for configuring a router. Excellent support. Thank you.
ResponderBorrarHey thanks for your help very easy!!!
ResponderBorrarGreat post! The images made it clear and everything was very well explained, thanks for your help :)
ResponderBorrarGreat post! The images made it clear and everything was very well explained, thanks for your help :)
ResponderBorrarInteresting, I was looking for the info on how to hide my network from pouchers, the information was straight to the point, clear and very useful.
ResponderBorrarThanks homie.